Chris Meagher

Hi! I'm Chris...

... and these are my latest articles about the things I am learning and doing in the world of software development.

  • Using Docker Compose to deploy a Next.js app to a Linux App Service in Azure

    I switched my next-azure sample app from targeting a Windows App Service to a Linux App Service and I'm really happy with the result. This post describes why and how I switched over, and why I won't be going back!

  • Getting started with VS Code Remote Containers on Windows

    I've been looking for tools to help describe, setup and configure reproducible and portable development environments for a while now, but I have never fully taken the plunge. That's now changed after trying VS Code's Remote Containers and in this post I wanted to talk a bit about my motivation, how I got started, and what I think so far.

  • Automating Azure infrastructure deployments using Bicep and Azure pipelines

    Bicep greatly simplifies the work of writing ARM templates and can be easily integrated into an Azure pipeline to automate the setup and configuration of your Azure infrastructure. This post describes how I integrated Bicep scripts into the Azure pipeline for my Next.js sample app to automate the infrastructure deployment of multiple environments.